
Basic Speller - Lesson 17 - Long and Short <{a}> and <e>

Lesson Seventeen

Long and Short and <e>

1. Say at and ate a few times. The sound the spells in at is called short . The sound the spells in ate is called long .

2. Listen carefully for the short 's and long 's in these words and sort the words into the two groups below:



3. Say bet and beet a few times. The sound the <e> spells in bet is short <e>. The sound the <ee> spells in beet is long <e>. Listen for the short <e>'s and long <e>'s in the following words. Then sort them into the two groups:




Word Find. The Find below is shaped like the word LONG because all thirty words in it contain a long or a long <e>:



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