
Basic Speller - Lesson 6 - V's and C's

Lesson Six

V's and C's

1. We use <v> to mark vowel letters, and we use <c> to mark consonant letters — like this:


2. Mark the vowel and consonant letters in these words:


3. Mark the vowel and consonant letters in these words:


4. What do we mark with <v>, consonant letters or vowel letters? ________

5. What do we mark with <c>, consonant letters or vowel letters? ________

6. What four letters are always vowels? _____, _____, _____, and _____.

7. What three letters are sometimes vowels, sometimes consonants? _____, _____, and _____.

8. Write a word in which <y> is a consonant: _______________

9. Write a word in which is a consonant: _______________

10. Write a word in which <w> is a consonant: _______________

11. Write a word in which <y> is a vowel: _______________

12. Write a word in which is a vowel: _______________

13. Write a word in which <w> is a vowel: _______________


Word Scrambles. Unscramble the letters and you will spell some of the words in recent lessons:

klaw ___________

tenx ___________

ptso ___________

ehongu ___________

enequ ___________

enmow ___________

gungaela ___________

thiew ___________

ruet ___________

tique ___________

yeerv ___________

sawaly ___________

dulow ___________

witer ___________

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